



The EDM-960 is the latest graphic engine analyzer for Piston Engine Twins from the JP Instruments. The EDM-960, STC’d as Primary engine instrument, takes the best from their EDM-760 and adds total engine display monitoring including Tach, % Horsepower, Hobbs, Manifold Pressure, EGT, CHT, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, Fuel Flow, Outside Air Temp, Volts, and Amps plus optional Fuel Pressure, Fuel Quantity, and Turbine Inlet Temp. Each individual engine display has a scale and alarm limit to fit your particular airplane. As with the popular EDM-760, the EDM-960 has internal memory that records all engine parameters that can be recalled and displayed on your computer to keep track of the health of your engine. Plus: warnings for shock cooling and excess temperatures, leaning assist for both “lean of peak, and “rich of peak”.

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= Available in 11 days
= Unknown (3 weeks or more)
JPI EDM 960 6C TWIN10-03726JPI EDM 960 6C TWIN25131.71 EURplease call
JPI EDM 960 4C TWIN10-03727JPI EDM 960 4C TWIN23126.41 EURplease call
JPI EDM 960 7C TWIN11-07750JPI EDM 960 7C TWIN17376.25 EURplease call
JPI EDM 960 8C TWIN11-07751JPI EDM 960 8C TWIN17898.90 EURplease call
JPI EDM 960 9C TWIN11-07752JPI EDM 960 9C TWIN21810.50 EURplease call
10-04650JPI 730/830 P-4 FUEL FLOW AND GPS HARNESS258.43 EURDelivery in 11 days
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