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Note: The SL 40 can be sold over the counter to certified & experimental aircraft owners. Available with or without a pre-wired harness.
Monitor ATIS while never leaving your assigned ATC channel. The SL 40 always gives priority to the active channel, meaning you'll never miss a transmission. With 10-watt transmit power and only 35-watt DC input, the SL 40 is power efficient and cool running.


  • 760 channels
  • Frequency range 118 to 136.975 mHz
  • Tunes to National Weather frequencies
  • 16-character, high-intensity, alphanumeric LED display
  • Transmit status indicator
  • Capacity to store and recall 8 user-defined and previous frequencies.
  • Proven Performance
  • Customizability
  • Small Unit: 1.3"x 6.25"

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