
2024T3 Aluminum Sheet .016 4x12

2024T3 ALUM SHEET .016 4X12

Part number: 03-27710
2024T3 Aluminum Sheet .016 4x12
315.90 EUR
incl. 19% VAT, excl. shipping
Delivery today
Will ship today if you order before 14:00. This information is valid for up to 1 SH
Available Quantities:
Today:1 SH
In 12 days:6 SH

Aluminum alloy sheet is sold in the thicknesses and sheet sizes shown in the table. Order by part number. No guarantee against scratches is possible due to the handling required to cut sheets to sizes shown.

CUTTING CHARGES: We can cut standard sheet sizes shown in the table to special sizes, but special order cutting charges will apply. Special shapes are not cut, only straight edges. Request quote on Cutting Charges prior to order, as special cut pieces are not returnable.


What is the thickest sheet aluminum that can be rolled for shipping? 2024t3 and 6061t6
The thickest we can roll for shipping is .032 on both 2024t3 and 6061t6.

With 2024 t3 4x12 .025 sheets. Does the polished surface have a protective covering to keep the mill finish pristine? Thanks, Jared
The aluminum sheets have a plastic sheet on both sides for protection.

Which way does the grain run on a 2025T3 2' x 4' piece?
The grain will run across the 2' section.

Weight5.008 kg
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