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AB-357164-1 / ES10-357164-1 KELLY COIL KIT

Part number: 10-357164
AB-357164-1 / ES10-357164-1 KELLY COIL KIT
277.47 EUR
excl. VAT, excl. shipping
Delivery in 11 days
Expected shipping date is Wednesday 07 August if you order before 16:00 Wednesday 31 July. This information is valid for up to 1 EA
Available Quantities:
In 11 days:1 EA

TCM Ignition Systems has issued Service Bulletin No. 637 to retire from service certain older coils and rotating magnets. The Bulletin applies to many S-20, S-200, S-600, and S-1200 series magnetos as identified in this chart. Compliance with this Bulletin is required at the next 100 inspection, annual inspection, or progressive maintenance inspection, whichever comes first. Order by new coil part number.

Magneto Series Old Coil PN Color New Coil PN Color
S-20 10-51303 10-76384 10-160886 Opaque Amber to Dark Purple 10-357164 Bright Red to Dark Red
Weight0.386 kg
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