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Part number: SV781-R-00002-1.0
419.00 EUR
excl. VAT, excl. shipping
Delivery in 2 days
Expected shipping date is Monday 29 July if you order before 14:00 Monday 29 July. This information is valid for up to 2 EA
Available Quantities:
In 2 days:2 EA

Raylight LED strobes real light power is comparable to the best Xenon strobes on the market. Raylight innovative technology allows very low consumtion on a constant aperage supply
Their instantaneous power reaches 120 Watts. This power supplies at least 20 6-Watt LEDs with an output of 20.000 Lumens, i.e. 1.900 candelas.

Strobes are supplied in kits, very easy to assemble, and can be installed any type of aircraft (on the wings, stabilisers, fuselage, tail).

Thanks to a sustainable anti-UV polycarbonate lens, they are ultra resistant and easily replaceable.

They combine the advantages of Xenon and LED strobes:

  • One of the most powerful flashes on the market
  • Low consumption and Sustainable product
  • Very lighty
  • No radio interference thanks to an innovative system
  • No length or section constraint for 12V wires
  • Assembly in line with the most coomon standard
  • Water and dustproof
  • Aerodynamic design and shape.

Hermes Green Red Positions
  • Lumens: 20.000 x 2
  • Candelas: 1.900 x 2
  • Number of white LEDs: 21 x 2
  • Number of RWG LEDs / Position Lights: 21 x 2
  • Uniform Consumtion: 1A
  • Power: 12W
  • Voltage Vdc: 10-20
  • Electrical protection: High voltages and polarity inversion
  • Frequency / Synchronised flashes per mn: 60-80
  • Type of lens: PC ULVO Anti UV
  • Weight: 250g
  • Dimensions WxLxH inch: 5.9 x 1.77 x 1.33

As they are not certified, these strobes are exclusively limited to experimental use.
Weight2.500 kg
Manufacturer P/NR-00002-1.0
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